What Our Members Have to Say About Us…

The testimonials below are from individuals who have taken it upon themselves to tell us how they feel about their experiences with the training of their children, or their own Martial Arts Training and its affect on their lives. We appreciate all of the wonderful feedback that we receive. We humbly accept any testimonials our members wish to contribute.

Fred O, Parent & Student

The most welcoming "fitness-related" place I have ever been - everyone is supportive and encouraging, from beginners to black belts the humility is superb. No egos or machismo to deal with, just a "family" of people all challenging themselves in a positive and respectful manner. For my children, the leadership (junior and senior) are positive role models. I'm a "lifer" now as is my wife.

Linda L, Parent

Robert Lee Martial Arts has had such a positive influence on my two young boys. The techniques they learn in Taekwondo has helped them stay better focused in school and more disciplined at home. Their self-confidence has grown and they have become more respectful. It has been such a wonderful experience. The Instructors at Robert lee are truly amazing with the kids.

David & Lisa R, Parents

Our two daughters have been part of Robert Lee Martial Arts for about two years. Our decision to join was one of the best decisions we have ever made for our children. We are amazed at how dedicated the Instructors are to helping children achieve their best in all aspects of their lives. They work with us as a team in reinforcing the values that we feel are necessary for them to become successful adults. We feel very fortunate to have found such a place at Robert Lee Martial Arts.

Jim and Corinne S, Parents

It has been one year since our children joined Robert Lee Martial Arts. The school has inspired each of our children to strive for greatness in Martial Arts and in their life outside of the school. Our children have grown in skill and personal confidence. We have witnessed positive changes not only in our family, but also in other families that have joined the school. Master Pavlicic encourages individual skill, teamwork, trust and respect. The lessons learned will be lifelong.

Jillian K, Parent

Robert Lee Martial Arts has helped my son to gain more confidence and self-assurance. He has become more focused, respectful, and disciplined since joining Robert Lee. We are very proud of him and how Martial Arts is helping him become a better person.

Michael C, Parent

I would like to pass on my thanks and congratulations for such a successful program. My son has made great progress towards our initial goals since starting at Robert Lee. His focus and confidence improved a great deal. Again, I would like to thank Master Pavlicic for what you do. I’ve never seen anyone as effective with children as you are.

Kim D, Parent

Since Matthew has started at Robert Lee his attitude, respect, and discipline have all dramatically increased. I’ve been told the best compliment a parent can get, “Your son is the most respectful child I know”.

Colleen and Tim, Parents

My children absolutely love the Lil’ Dragons Program. As a parent, I especially appreciate the values they have absorbed, particularly to respect themselves and others. I continue to be surprised at the ability they have to set goals at the age of seven. My husband and I highly recommend this program.

Our son has been with Robert Lee Martial Arts for almost one year, and our experience with the program and his progress couldn’t be better. The Little Dragons program is a wonderful reinforcement of the values of discipline, focus, teamwork, respect and physical fitness. What came as a positive surprise was his response to the way the Instructors encourage him to incorporate these lessons at home and at school. It has made us very proud to see our six year old son tell us that he was practicing “self discipline” by cleaning his room without us asking, and demonstrating respect by referring to other adults as ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am’. Robert Lee Martial Arts is definitely family oriented as the Instructors are warm, friendly, and supportive. Thank you for everything.

Allison A. Parent

Judy B, Parent

Since joining Robert Lee, Lauren’s confidence in herself has grown tremendously and she has become much more positive. Lauren really enjoys her Lil’ Dragons classes.

We wanted you, and all the Instructors here at your studio, to know how pleased we are with the program and the instruction Noah receives each week. We have noticed an improvement already, in Noah's attitude and behavior at home, and in his schoolwork. Bravo! To all the wonderful people here who strive to bring out the best in every young person...Thank-you.

Kelly M & Peter C, Parents

Darlene K, Parent

“My son, having just turned 5, in need of a confidence boost and with an interest in Martial Arts, began, (somewhat reluctantly) at Robert Lee last September, in the Little Dragons Program. As I watched my little butterfly start to emerge from his cocoon in the safe nurturing environment that is Robert Lee Taekwondo Centre, I began to feel a deep sense of contentment and satisfaction with my decision to enroll him. As his confidence slowly began to grow, he went from being unable to go onto the mat, to leading the class warm-up. This showed me just how safe he felt when he was in class, and at that moment, it became very clear to me that these people I was entrusting my child with, were a group of very special people. Along with the transformation of my own child, I have been allowed to witness other students undergoing their own metamorphosis. I’ve seen students too shy to step onto the mat, find the courage to try, and begin to emerge as confident, powerful and dedicated Martial Artists–becoming leaders along the way. I’ve seen others who at first could not seem to be still or concentrate, begin to grow into disciplined, controlled and skilled students. This is a true testament to the genuine acceptance, encouragement, and patience that these students receive from Master Pavlicic and his Instructors. We’ve both been richly rewarded many times and in many ways, for the decision to step into the world of Robert Lee Taekwondo. And as I settle in for my second year as a Martial Arts Mom I look forward to all that I will learn and see.”

Anthony N, Parent & Student

“Since joining Robert Lee Taekwondo I have been very impressed with the quality of the school’s instruction and philosophy. I have seen a definite improvement in my son’s attention during the classes and his desire to learn continues to grow each week. My daughter has become more outgoing, as her confidence in herself is reinforced through her training. I firmly believe the instruction ... has had a great deal to do with these aspects of their personal development. In my own case, I have seen an increase in the flexibility of my legs and back, and enjoy the challenge of each class.

Jeff B, Parent & Student

“My son began training in October 2000 for reasons which included: lack of focus, poor school grades, and a need to improve his physical endurance. In a period of 24 months we are pleased to report our son’s improvement in school, moving from a C+ to an A average. Also his abilities in football and hockey reflect better balance, increased strength, improved speed and endurance. And finally we believe his ability to stay on task and his will to improve are directly related to his achievements at Robert Lee Taekwondo. Furthermore, he demonstrates greater respect for class and teammates. Through Taekwondo our son now believes that if he works hard enough he can set his goals higher than before.”

Nancy S, Adult Student

“Taekwondo has enhanced every aspect of my life. Physically I have more energy, which helps me through my day-to-day responsibilities. I am physically stronger and feel great. Mentally it has given me clarity, self-confidence and it is also a great stress reliever. Taekwondo has given me the opportunity to meet a lot of great people and I’m having fun!”

“In September 2001, I was given the opportunity to try an adult class. As a grandfather of one of the students enrolled in the children’s program, being fully retired and looking for something to challenge my mind and body I decided to participate. It has been a year now, I have lost 26 pounds and when I look in the mirror I can see muscle tone that I haven’t seen since my fifties. I can do long walks, climb stairs, do sit-ups, pushups and tackle any challenge that I should encounter. It seems that I have been given a drink from the fountain of youth. Being a member of Robert Lee Taekwondo has given me a new outlook on the golden years. I have met great new friends in the family of Taekwondo who are friendly, helpful and don’t treat me differently than anyone else. That makes me feel great.”

David B, Adult Student

Lena M, Parent

“When I enrolled my two daughters in Taekwondo 5 years ago, I had no idea how much of an impact it would have on them. My girls have gained confidence, self-respect, and are extremely focused…skills that have helped tremendously with their schoolwork. The instructors at Robert Lee are incredible and inspiring role models. I’m so glad I enrolled them.”

Sabrina, Student, Age 10

“When I started Taekwondo, I didn’t know that I would make it all the way to what I wanted to accomplish, becoming a Black Belt, and five years later I have reached my goal. But now I have a new goal–to become a Master in Taekwondo just like Master Pavlicic, he has helped me so much and I just want to say thank you for helping me be the best I can be.”